Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Razorbills in Florida

Before my Christmas trip to Florida I read a very interesting news article about large numbers of Razorbills around the Florida coast.  This was extremely unusual as Razorbill usually inhabit very cold northern coastal areas. So after reading the article I thought I'd check out the area where the birds were seen which is a beach I usually go to when Im in Florida.

This beach/park is on the northern tip of Anna Maria Island, in Bradenton, Florida.  This side is facing Tampa Bay.
The Razorbills were easily spotted swimming in the clear blue water. They were fairly close to shore.  I didn't use any zoom for this picture. 

The mostly looked like they were resting.

These two were looking for fish but I did not see them catch any.

Unfortunately a dead one was found washed up. Only the wings and skeleton remained.  Perhaps it was exhausted from the long flight or couldn't find food.  A sad sight.

A last view of the Razorbills before we left.  I always thought I'd have to travel way up north to get a glimpse of them!

Here is a link to the article that I read from eBird.  It is very interesting and there is a lots of information about sightings (some in the hundred!), other unusual northern species seen,  and why this whole phenomenon is taking place:  Razorbills invade Florida.

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