Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cloudless Sulphur - Caterpillar and Chrysalis

A few years ago I bought a Candlestick Bush - Senna alata, from the Houston Museum of Natural Science plant sale. This plant as well as other Senna are host plants for the Cloudless Sulphur - Phoebis sennae, a beautiful neon yellow species of butterfly. My Senna grew pretty large (too big for my balcony) so I gave it to my parents who have plenty of space for it. The Senna thrived and has been the food plant for many Cloudless Sulphur caterpillars.

The caterpillars seem to prefer the flowers and small seed pods.

This one is quite big. Its munching on one of the seedpods now.

Can you see the chrysalis? It is hanging from the stem and looks just like a leaf.

1 comment:

  1. So cute that it looks fake! Very good pic babe.
