Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Hiking to Iceberg Lake, Glacier Natl. Park, MT

Our second hike during our trip to Glacier National Park was up to Iceberg Lake.  It was a 4.8 mile hike to the lake with an abundance of wonderful views and wildlife to be seen along the way.

Black Bear - Ursus americanus, up on the mountain side busy foraging for food. 

Moose - Alces alces, down in the valley.

The beginning of the trail was showing the signs of fall.

Moose - Alces alces (bull)

The low morning clouds were covering the mountain tops but the view was still stunning. 

We passed many interesting alpine plants.  They look like a tiny forest by themselves. 

Spruce Grouse - Falcipennis canadensis

Doll's Eye - Actaea rubra

A waterfall down in the valley.

Golden Columbine - Aquilegia flavescens, we saw many plants on the rocky slopes but this was the only one blooming. 

Red-tailed Chipmunk - Neotamias ruficaudus 

Our destination is in view!  (the patch of snow in the distance)

Iceberg Peak is getting closer. The peak reaches 9145 ft above sea level and 3000 ft above Iceberg Lake. 

Nearing Iceberg Lake we came across an area that seems to have a microclimate.  Many wildflowers that were already finished blooming everywhere else were blooming here as if it were spring time. 

Bear Grass - Xerophyllum tenax.  This was the only specimen we saw blooming during our entire trip! Most were already finished blooming and setting seed. 

Bighorn Sheep - Ovis canadensis

Mule Deer - Odocoileus hemionus

Almost there!!

Iceberg Lake

Iceberg Lake was beautiful!  A picture cannot capture the beauty of this place.  It is so majestic and serene.  You really have a sense of peace while gazing upon the lake and breathing in the fresh air. 

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